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Your rights and responsibilities

Responsibilities of your family doctor

Patient leaflet

All new patients will receive a copy of our practice leaflet and copies will be displayed at the reception desk

Surgery premises

Our surgery building will be welcoming, well-maintained and appropriate to the needs of users, including the disabled.

Patients’ rights to general medical services

Patients have the right to:

  • Be registered with a general practitioner.
  • Be offered a health check on joining the practice.
  • Receive appropriate drugs and medicines.
  • Be referred for a specialist opinion where appropriate and to be referred for a second opinion if they and the GP agree this is desirable.
  • Have the right to review their medical records, subject to the provision of the acts, and to know that those working for the NHS are under a legal obligation to keep the contents confidential.
  • Receive a full and prompt reply to any complaints about the services provided by the practice.

Comments, suggestions and complaints

  • Please use our online Feedback and Complaints form to make any suggestions, comments and complaints.
  • The practice manager is responsible for handling comments, suggestions and complaints about any service provided by the practice.
  • All constructive comments and suggestions will be given consideration by the practice.
  • All complaints will be recorded and written complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days of receipt.
  • We will respond to all complaints within 28 working days.
  • Where a complaint is made about a doctor, the patient will be able to discuss this with another doctor in the practice, if preferred.

Responsibilities of the patients

  • If you are unable to attend an appointment or no longer need it, please let us know as soon as possible by completing our online cancel and appointment form. Another patient can then use it. This also applies to hospital appointments.
  • Request home visits before 10am if possible. Every effort should be made by the patient to attend the surgery.
  • Remember that an appointment is for one person only. If more than one person needs to be seen, make a separate appointment for each person.
  • Out of hours calls, ie evening, night and weekends, should only be requested if they are for a condition which cannot wait until normal surgery hours.
  • Please tell the receptionist if you change your name, address or telephone number. It helps us to keep our records accurate and enables us to contact you if necessary.
  • Please give 2 days notice for repeat prescriptions. When the repeats run out and need re-authorizing please make an appointment some time before the medicine runs out.
  • Enquiries about test results should be made after 11:30am when the receptionists generally have more time to help you. Please note that results can only be given to the person who had the test or, if a child, to their parent or guardian.
  • Try to keep telephone calls brief to keep the telephone lines free.

Page published: 10 September 2024
Last updated: 10 September 2024